Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Angel Investment: A Curated List of Our Best Articles

If you’re seeking angel investment for your startup, it’s to your benefit to learn as much as possible about angel investors and the types of questions they’re likely to ask, especially given how much competition you’ll have.

Below, we’ve curated a list of our best resources on angel investment. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, be sure to let us know!

All about angel investment

5 Essentials for Angel Investment
Realistically, what does it take to get angel investment?

According to business planning expert and veteran entrepreneur Tim Berry, there are five essentials you need to hit—and a “good business idea” is simply not enough in its own right.

11 Angel Investor Blogs You Should Be Reading
If you really want to learn more about how angel investors think and what is current in the industry, there’s no better way to do it than to read blogs by well-known angels. In this article, we recommend 11 top blogs you should be keeping an eye on.

Questions an angel investor may ask

30 Questions Angel Investors Will Ask You
If you’ve done a great job pitching, you want to get questions! Questions indicate interest. Of course, they also indicate things you might have missed hitting upon.

To better prepare yourself, here’s a list of questions you might get. Read through them and take some time to plan your response. The more preparation you’ve done, the more confident you will feel and the better you will present.

The 10 Questions I Didn’t Expect to be Asked by Investors
If you’re pitching a savvy angel investor, there are a few important things they are probably going to ask about—and some of these questions aren’t the ones you’d expect!

For example, “Who believes in you, and how can I get in touch with them?” If you’re interested in prepping for the atypical questions investors will ask, read this article!

Pitching an angel investor

How to Pitch Investors in 10 Minutes and Get Funded
Caroline Cummings successfully raised close to $1 million from angel investors for her previous technology startups.

Based on her experience, she has created a pitching format you can use when it comes time to raise your own capital.

Is Bad Body Language Ruining Your Pitch? Here’s How to Fix It
When you’re pitching your business to potential investors, it’s important to make your pitch memorable and engaging.

One of the best ways to do this—beyond knowing your material inside out—is to master good body language. This article will show you how to use body language that helps your pitch, rather than hurts it.

5 Lessons Shark Tank Can Teach You About Pitching to Angel Investors
Do you enjoy watching Shark Tank? Well, the good news is you’re learning as you watch. In this article, Tim Berry outlines the five things you can learn from this popular series.

The 11 Slides You Need to Have in Your Pitch Deck
If you want the details of exactly what to include in your pitch to an angel investor, be sure to check out this article. Here, we go over the 11 essential slides every good pitch presentation should include.

Want more guidance? Download our free investor pitch deck template kit.

Getting angel funding: Advice from the trenches

How to Raise Startup Funding From Unlikely Angel Investors
Jessica Magooch doesn’t consider herself the “average angel.” She’s a mom and a full-time sales manager and recruiter. She’s also not active in any angel group, she doesn’t live in the Silicon Valley, and she doesn’t have an MBA.

In this article, you’ll learn more about why you should care about angels like her, and how you can increase your likelihood of getting funded.

How to Impress Angel Investors and Make It into “Startup Heaven”
Ever wondered what it takes to impress an angel investor? Wonder no more.

In this article, Caroline Cummings interviews 10 angel investors to find out what make them buy into a person or an idea. She also shares her own experience getting funding for her tech startup. Overall, a great, informative read.

5 Invaluable Lessons Angel Investors Can Teach You
What can you learn from an angel investor? According to Tim Berry, angels can teach you a lot about money, whether or not you’re seeking funding from them.

Most angels have been-there-done-that and may have a lot of valuable advice to share. If you have the good fortune of talking with an angel, be sure to focus on listening first!

11 Foolproof Ways to Attract Investors
If you’re convinced your business is a good candidate for angel investment, but you’re having trouble getting that first meeting, you may need a different approach.

Here, 11 entrepreneurs weigh in on what it takes to attract an angel investor’s eye, and how to present yourself as a more appealing investment.

The nitty gritty details

Accepting Outside Investors? Here Are 5 Things to Watch Out for in Your Contract
Before you sign a contract with an outside investor, make sure you know what you’re getting into.

In this case, the “boring” fine print details are what you’re really going to have to pay attention to, and you’ll learn about important contract terms to look out when negotiating an agreement.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Let us know and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction!

from Bplans Articles

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